New measures aimed at reducing the spread of Covid-19 – 3

by , on Aug 26, 2020 01:59:29 PM

Legal Notice 337 of 2020 – Number of Persons in Public Spaces Regulations, 2020

By virtue of this legal notice, groups of more than fifteen persons are prohibited in public spaces. This prohibition also applies to queues and bus stops, unless a distance of two metres is kept. This prohibition does not apply to groups of persons in public places if the persons live in the same residence. Any person who fails to abide by these provisions shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to the payment of a penalty of €100 for every breach. If the offence is admitted and the penalty is paid before the commencement of proceedings, the penalty is reduced to €50. These regulations will come into force on 19th August 2020.

Legal Notice 338 of 2020 – Organised Public Mass Events (Amendment No.4) Regulations 2020

This legal notice amends the Organised Public Mass Events Regulations by introducing the restriction that all stand up organized mass events and all stand up organized events shall be prohibited.

The Organised Public Mass Events Regulations stipulate that organised public mass events must have a maximum capacity of attendees of one person per four square meters and attendees must gather in groups not exceeding ten persons, with a two-metre distance being retained between each group. For events exceeding one hundred attendees, a risk assessment form must be submitted by the event organiser with the Malta Tourism Authority which must grant its approval. The number of attendees cannot exceed one hundred persons inside the venue and three hundred persons outside the venue. Event organisers who fail to abide by such provisions shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to the payment of a penalty of €3,000 for every breach.

Wedding receptions may thus only be held in a seated environment, and food and drinks are to be served at the table. These regulations will come into force on 28th August 2020.